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2 thoughts on “WRITING

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  1. Dear Fiona,
    I am a former employee of McPherson’s Limited and had the privilege of helping your dear Mother, Barbara, in writing her wonderful book “Nuts and Bolts”. What a beautiful woman she was – an inspiration to all who knew her. I am saddened to learn of her death in 2020 and express my sincere sympathy to you and all the family.
    I would love to purchase two copies of “Nuts and Bolts” – one for the former Chairman of McPherson’s, Lindsay Cuming AM, and the other for my family library. I was Lindsay Cuming’s Private Secretary for fifteen years. He is now 92 years of age.
    Is it possible you could kindly advise me how I can purchase these two copies of “Nuts and Bolts”. Lindsay would be thrilled to receive one and it would spark many happy memories for him, as it will for me.
    I do hope to hear from you in due course, Fiona, with relevant instructions on how to purchase Barbara’s wonderful history.

    Yours sincerely,
    Pamela Lombardo


    1. Hi Pamela
      Thanks for writing to me about the Nuts and Bolts book. That’s great that Mr Cuming and you would like copies. I know we have a box of books, I think my brother Richard has it. If you contact me through my other website onebendintheriver.com on the volunteer page there’s a contact form where you can give me your contact details without them going on the website, and I can then send you some copies.


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